Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Both classes took a look at the plant boxes out front of the school today and had PE. 

The AM class made some predictions about what might come up in ours and painted in their visual journals.  They also using various building materials to create some homes for praying mantis. 

The PM completed their sacred teachings books AND did the most amazing job with a fire drill! 

Busy, Busy, Busy 

* Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day!

* Powerschool marks go live today 

* Tomorrow evening is the Art Walk 

* Friday is Sports Day - 

Message from the office about the Art Walk

Art Walk

We will be hosting an Art Walk tomorrow evening, Thursday, June 1st for families to come to their child’s classroom and see the art that they created with Jennifer Stables our Artist in Residence. The event will be from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. This will be a drop-in event that you can show up for at any time between 6:00, when the doors open, and prior to 7:00 when the event ends. We are asking that families enter through their child’s entry doors so that we do not have extra long lineups at the front door.


This is not intended to be parent-teacher interviews and there will be no performances. The entire building will be open to families of current students to walk through to their child(ren)’s classes. Staff will be present in the school and classroom, however, every child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is responsible for their supervision.


We will be selling popcorn throughout the evening for $1 per bag in the school’s common area and there will be food trucks in front of the school from 5:00 to 8:00 for families interested in purchasing food or drinks.


A reminder that the parking lot is for staff only and we ask families to walk or ride their bikes that night as parking around the school will be limited.

Thank you

NBS Staff