Monday, June 19, 2023

 Looking for twister (and any other games day appropriate games) Does anyone own it, and can we please borrow for games day? Any last minute volunteers for games day, the more the merrier! 

Lots of practicing for our kinder Graduation today! 

Reminder from the email sent home about our Kinder Celebration/Graduation 

Kindergarten Celebration/Graduation June 22, 2023  

This time of year is always bitter/sweet.  We have had an amazing year and now we would like you to come help us celebrate the end of Kindergarten of your favourite 5/6 year old.  We have been working hard for the last few weeks and it is finally time to share our hard work with you.  On June 22 we will be performing many songs with you, we will have a slide show showcasing our learning of the last year, followed by and a special presentation.  There will also be a photobooth to capture the special moment. This is an awesome day and please feel free to invite grandparents and siblings as well.  


June 22, 2023

Doors open: 10:00 AM  

Performance begins: 10:15 AM  


June 22, 2023

Doors open: 2:00 

Performance begins: 2:15  

Please note that after our Kindergarten Graduation we will bring all the students back to the classroom and dismiss them at our usual time outside our doors.